Colombian Lifer Quest to Honda and Victoria
Join Birders Show host Chris on a quest for some new Colombian species as he explores the small towns of Honda and Victoria in search of antbirds, bitterns, hummingbirds, and more.
The Birders Show in the Colombian High-Altitude Páramo
For the latest episode of The Birders Show, Chris and Diego visited the high-altitude elfin forests and páramos of the Central Colombian Andes. Read on for our host’s blog about Episode 3 of our 3-part special filmed in Caldas department.
The Birders Show in the Colombian Cloud Forest
For the latest episode of The Birders Show, our hosts traveled to Caldas department in the Colombian Central Andes. This episode is set in the magical cloud forests at Hacienda El Bosque, Glamping El Color de Mis Reves, and Bosques CHEC Reserve.

The Birders Show in the Colombian Coffee Region
For the latest episodes of The Birders Show, our hosts traveled to Caldas department in Colombia. Episode 1 is set in the Coffee Region. Our host Chris has written a new blog post about the episode.

New Episodes of The Birders Show
The Birders Show is back with brand new episodes from Colombia’s Caldas department. First up: Coffee Country!