Meet the First-Ever Colombian Team at the World’s Biggest Bird Race
We have an exciting announcement: The Birders Show will be the first-ever Colombian and South American team to compete at the Champions of the Flyway bird race in Eilat, Israel, on March 27! This event is also raising money to help save the Red-breasted Goose.

The Best Backyard Birding on Earth
For the latest Field Guides series of The Birders Show, we visited Colombia’s Valle del Cauca region. In the first episode, our hosts spent time at some of the best backyard birding locations on earth: Avistamiento de Aves Doña Dora, La Florida Birding, and Araucana Lodge.

Araucana Lodge: Colombia's Best Birding Lodge?
For the new series of The Birders Show in Valle del Cauca, Colombia, we visited Araucana Lodge on the road from Cali to the Pacific Ocean. This stunning bird lodge is easily one of Colombia's best and most luxurious birding hotels.

New Colombian Birding Adventures, coming soon
The Birders Show is back, with a new in-the-field series launching in December. We can’t wait to share our best episodes yet with our followers and bird lovers everywhere.
The Birders Show in the Colombian High-Altitude Páramo
For the latest episode of The Birders Show, Chris and Diego visited the high-altitude elfin forests and páramos of the Central Colombian Andes. Read on for our host’s blog about Episode 3 of our 3-part special filmed in Caldas department.
The Birders Show in the Colombian Cloud Forest
For the latest episode of The Birders Show, our hosts traveled to Caldas department in the Colombian Central Andes. This episode is set in the magical cloud forests at Hacienda El Bosque, Glamping El Color de Mis Reves, and Bosques CHEC Reserve.

The Birders Show in the Colombian Coffee Region
For the latest episodes of The Birders Show, our hosts traveled to Caldas department in Colombia. Episode 1 is set in the Coffee Region. Our host Chris has written a new blog post about the episode.

New Episodes of The Birders Show
The Birders Show is back with brand new episodes from Colombia’s Caldas department. First up: Coffee Country!